Dreams to Awaken

with 2 Comments

Dreams to ‘AWAKEN’…




As I sit drafting book 3, I dream about what I’m reading. Everything is the same around here.

But as I read, Jessikah is down at the creek with Dana discussing the future. They have made some decisions, and feel ready to create new memories.

… Jessikah swooshes her toe on the surface of the still pool, rippling the surface,

each ripple growing one into another speeding towards the waters edge.

Eventually the surface is once again smooth.

‘Our lives are like those ripples,’ Jessikah says to Dana. ‘We come into this

world, and our lives touch a few or the masses, depending on who we are

and what we do. But the horses continue as they have done for eons. They

will be safe, won’t they? Inevitably we’ll be gone, leaving everything we’ve

loved to the caretakers of our memories.’

This conversation prompted me to write ‘Awaken’.


Awaken  –  words (c) Carmel Rowley


What am I thinking at sunrise each day?

My time to awaken, my time to away.


Fears remain tranquil, behind noble disdain.

I search kindred spirits but do they remain?


I dream of the desert, head and tail in the breeze,

to sprint cross the vastness, my freedom I seize.


I’m swift among swift ones, I glory in speed,

my beauty obsessive, though sometimes for greed.


Somewhere I’m sacred a message to send,

I hear the ‘winged’ calling, don’t fail me, don’t pretend.


I showed you my magic; I showed you the sun,

in vain gently protest, I pray I’m not done-


But what do I do at the start of each day?

It’s time to awaken, protect me, protect me, I say.


copyright Carmel Rowley

2 Responses

  1. Aja Schmidt
    | Reply

    I enjoyed this poem and, I hope you don’t mind, used it for an English class project.

  2. Carmel Rowley
    | Reply

    Hello Aja,
    I don’t mind at all you using the poem for an English class project.
    If you just please remember that the poem is copyright to me Carmel Rowley, and note this, it would be appreciated.
    All the best.

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