Jessikah Carey – December – Reader of the Month

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Jessikah Carey – December – Reader of the Month

 What fun, at the very last minute I’ve persuaded Jessikah Carey to be my December – Reader of the month. I know some of you may be asking, who is Jessikah Carey? While the others who know, might be curious enough to wonder what makes her tick.

With her husband Marc and their children, Jessikah owns and operates Adhama Egyptian Stud in south west Queensland. She once conveyed to me that that she particularly wants to create a life that matters. To this end she takes life head on, often finding herself in situations which have tested both her and her family. I remember her saying, ‘… nothing is as satisfying as the time when you discover something about yourself that has you wanting to go out and explore some more.”

Tell us 5 Random Things about you the person.

1)I’m nostalgic and especially treasure the mementoes from my mother. Several in particular from the old cedar chest hidden in the attic of my parents London house. The Art Deco lights, the Teddy bears and the small finely worked painting of a beautiful white horse. The championship ribbon from Melbourne Royal Show from the late 1960’s and a faded postcard of St Luke’s church in Toowoomba. All these things now define my life and initially brought me to Australia.

2) Some of the other things: I have always loved horses but I’m now addicted to them, especially Arabian horses.

3) I love my garden and especially the near 100 year old Ficus tree to the side of the barn. Even though the garden is often scorched from lack of rain, the smell of rain on dry earth revives my senses and I watch the cheeky bamboo shoots come alive as they soak up any moisture and unfurl upwards towards the sun.

4) Dare I say that I love good food.

5) I also love people who have a happy and fun outlook on life but I often become too passionate about causes that concern me. Luckily Marc takes the time to remind me that I must always remember to allow people their choices.

Favourite Authors – There are so many but two immediately come to mind, Wilbur Smith and his River God series. Marc Twain and his The Innocents Abroad. The book details MT’s journey on the very first cruise from the United States, a six month grand tour of the Mediterranean and Holy Lands (Paris! Rome! Venice! Jerusalem! Cairo!), crossing the Atlantic both ways stopping at islands along the way.

Where to connect online – I’m not really available online though you can learn lots about me from the novels Tails carried High, Voices in the Wind and more recently in Winds of Time.

Facebook – I wonder if I should have my own Facebook page?

Is there something you would like to share with us about some of the things you enjoy?

I think I’ve gone on so much already but I should mention that through everything I’ve experienced, especially my families past, I now know it’s time to savour the now and always look forward to the future. I hope, as the Mark Twain quote states that I can believe in my intuition and have the delight of spending time with people who come from heart space. They’re the people who pay their good fortune forward and don’t mind helping others to live their dream.

“ Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you DIDN’T DO than the ones you did do. So throw off the bow lines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~Mark Twain

Finally something else from Mark Twain that drives me forward on new paths and new life journeys.

”What is it that confers the noblest delight? What is that which swells a man’s breast with pride
above that which any other experience can bring to him?
To know that you are walking where none others have walked; that you are beholding what human
eye has not see before; that you are breathing a virgin atmosphere. To give birth to an idea —
an intellectual nugget, right under the dust of a field that many a brain-plow had gone over before.
To be the first — that is the idea.
To do something, say something, see something, before anybody else — these are the things that
confer a pleasure compared with other pleasures are tame and commonplace, other ecstasies cheap
and trivial. Lifetimes of ecstasy crowded into a single moment.”
~ Innocents Abroad
Jessikah Carey is the main character in the fictional novels of the Daughters of the Wind series. To find out more or to buy the books go to:


2 Responses

  1. Willa Frayser
    | Reply

    What a wonderful way to introduce Jessikah to everyone! In many ways, she reminds me of you! 😉

  2. Carmel
    | Reply

    So I’ve been told Willa;-) but maybe Jessikah grasped her life lessons a little younger than I have! Always so wonderful to have you here. xx

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