The most amazing DAUGHTERS OF THE WIND series, review, by Lorry Wagner, USA.

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The most amazing DAUGHTERS OF THE WIND  series, review, by Lorry Wagner, USA.

Review – Daughters of the Wind series, author Carmel Rowley.
by Lorry Wagner – Sierra Dawn Arabians, USA.

I just finished reading the third book in this series, “Winds of Time.” Wow! Carmel has a wonderful way of capturing the true legacy and essence of our beloved Arabian horse breed.
As I have read these three books of the Daughters of the Wind series, I have been amazed at the way Carmel was able to weave into wonderful stories of human life dedicated to the love of the breed not only the fantastic history and world-wide influence of the Arabian breed down through the centuries, but also the “modern-day” problems that some interests have created which threaten the future of the Arabian horse. These interests seem to dwell on financial gain, ego building and fame rather than basing our stewardship on the best interests of the Arabian horse breed into perpetuity, thus preserving the breed we have inherited from history for those in the future who must depend on us for the Arabian horse breed they inherit from the history we leave.

I, personally, have taken a stand against those who, in my opinion, have hurt our breed and individual Arabian horses since I became aware of show-ring and less-than-honest breeding tactics which promote such practices. Having fought this battle since the early 1970’s, as I read Carmel’s books I found myself talking to myself with “yes, yes” as I found the exposures of these sad facts woven within the stories.

Even though some of the darker side of human nature peeks through the pages of these books, the beautiful, in-depth stories Carmel has created following the lives of people so closely and wonderfully touched by individual horses, highlights the real-life fact that the love of not only the breed, but the positive influence on the lives of those of us privileged to share our lives with these fantastic horses, is as terrific in real life as is depicted in Carmel’s “Daughters of the Wind.”

As an American I am further encouraged that over the miles that separate us, an Australian is so very dedicated and understanding of our Arabian breed’s importance to the world. Carmel’s books are being distributed throughout many countries bringing the depth of our breed to international focus. What a wonderful world it is in which we live today.

Thank you, Carmel! I have already read your first two books twice and about to start the third for the second time. These books have really touched me deeply.
Lorry Wagner
Sierra Dawn Arabians

About Lorry Wagner:
Lorry Wagner’s passion for Arabian horses began as a child of five years old. As an adult the world of the Arabian horse became a lifetime commitment. Lorry’s first horse was purchased in 1960 as a riding horse and this then led to breeding (now 6 generations) which opened up other interests, competing in shows and endurance rides.
With a genuine concern for the Arabian breed Lorry became active in Arabian horse organizations, not only at a National level but also internationally. This International involvement led to travelling around the world as a delegate to the World Arabian Horse Organization for the USA, Canada, Mexico and Panama.
Lorry still has Arabian horses in the barn, takes care of them herself, and has now added the writing of special memories of friends to her long list of achievements.

“A heartfelt thank you to Lorry for taking the time to do this wonderful review of my series. My books are simply an entertainment, an escape, and for many who know nothing about the Arabian horse a revelation and an invitation to learn a little about a breed of horse I truly love. That the story has touch Lorry so deeply brings tears to my eyes. It makes the twelve years spent creating and writing the series so worthwhile.”

Carmel xx

2 Responses

  1. Beth Pulsifer
    | Reply

    What a wonderful review!! I’ve read the first two books in the series and I had/have the same feelings that Lorry expressed so well in her review. Thank you Lorry, for putting it into words so nicely.
    Thank you Carmel for writing these wonderful books. I can’t wait to read the third one. !

  2. Carmel
    | Reply

    Thank you so much Beth, I’m so touched at your words. Best Wishes Carmel xx

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