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None of us really know what’s around the corner. We can’t see into the future but we do have instinct and the desire to choose, to gain experience and to debate our life issues. While some are filled with pessimism I believe it’s healthier for our minds and bodies to be optimistic. I’m sure most of us have many things to feel optimistic about.

“We try to have “hope for the future” while a thousand voices tell us to “be afraid, be very afraid.” We try to focus on our values and our priorities, while alarm bells and buzzers scream in our ears and good-looking, authoritative news anchors tell us the sky is falling and we’re all about to die. And yet, in the midst of all this noise, “The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.” What’s a
person to do?” ~ Dr. Philip.E Humbert www.philiphumbert.com

The 19th century philosopher and psychologist, William James, wrote that, “The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.” How many time have you read this this type of philosophy on Facebook posts? Has it sunk in? It should because for aeons this has been touted and believed by the worlds greatest philosophers and teachers.


So what do we think about? Usually it’s the news, full of the daily dangers and the horrors of life. These days I turn it off and look for something inspiring or funny. For years now I’ve felt it was time for me to make a point about how I live my life by doing what I love. I bred the best Arabian horses I could for forty years and now I write the best books that I possibly can. Shouldn’t we all make goals to strive for and be inspired by the unexpected. What you focus on is important today because tomorrow could bring you a whole set of new and frightening challenges Anyone who has had illness enter their lives knows what I mean.

No person was ever honoured for what he received. Honour has been the reward for what he gave.”
~ Calvin Coolidge

Here we come to the purpose of all my preaching. Last week I opened my copy of Scope Magazine printed by FAWQ and was delighted by the cover photograph. It was Charlotte Banner with our beautiful Arabian mare Simeon Sarah. One of the very horses who has taught me optimism and given me inspiration. Inside the magazine Charlotte wrote a wonderful review for ‘Danika and Yatimah from Egypt to the Outback’. Why? It is the why that prompted all the above. This is the touching end paragraph of twelve year old Charlotte’s review.

“… For me, this book will always be very special. When I was just nine years old I was diagnosed with Leukaemia. Many long and very painful months followed, I remember this book especially as my mother and I read it several times during the dark period. My mother stayed in the hospital with me, sleeping on one of those uncomfortable fold-out camp beds. She must have wanted so badly to go home to dad and my brother, but she was there, always there with me.
I am now in remission, Praise God. Recently I had the pleasure of meeting the author of the book which had given me such comfort. And even better, I met the horse who inspired the book. I enclose a photo of me and Sarah the Arabian.”


Simeon Sarah, Charlotte and her mum Amanda

Is this what writers strive for, some I know only think of making money and yes, we do have to attempt to redeem costs.(even me) But if I’m to be honest, writing for me is a journey of sharing something you love. In the past it has been breeding and sharing the horses bred by our stud Pearsons View. But NOW it’s words, stories, books. Stories to remind people people why they became involved with the Arabian breed in the first place and books to help make life a little easier, an escape, for those who may be going through difficult times. Books did this for me as a sick child and even now books continue to take me away from things I don’t need to think about.

Thank you Charlotte for the reminder, we may not know what’s around the corner but the sharing of roads travelled points us in the direction of … “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.” (Phil. 4:8) Apostle Paul

Thank you to FAWQ for including the Review of “Danika and Yatimah from Egypt to the Outback” in May SCOPE Magazine. It’s much appreciated. Like FAWQ on Facebook or visit www.fawq.net


“Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn’t have it in the beginning.”
— Mahatma Gandhi


3 Responses

  1. Willa Frayser
    | Reply

    What a wonderful and inspiring story Carmel – and a wonderful young girl! This is why you write these wonderful stories and I do my best to translate them into artwork that conveys to the eye what your word says to the soul! Cheers to Charlotte and to you also!

    • Marianna
      | Reply

      I’ve heard some adorab thigns about your book and don’t know why I haven’t gotten around too it. lol. Thanks for additional chance to win. I love hopping through the YAmazing races! Rock on!

  2. Carmel
    | Reply

    That’s so true Willa. Charlotte is a talented writer and such joy to have come and visit. They are lovely words Willa as beautiful as your artwork. Thank you.

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