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QuoteSiareDrawing B 2016-July 06

Most writers have been told at one time or another to write what they know and love. The topic is constantly debated. To write about what I love offers me the opportunity to voice things I feel strongly about. That doesn’t mean writers shouldn’t look outside the square and push to learn something different to engage their readers. In my latest novel I’m learning about art forgery.

In my opinion, combining the act of learning something new with what we love is like a chef formulating a recipe for an irresistible pie. If I don’t try how else can I get a taste to begin and the opportunity to lick the bowl when we reach the end?

In fact it has to be love for the subjects I write about, love drives me on when the interest in my book wanes with the many drafts and edits. It’s usually the love for what I’m creating that forces me to do the best I possibly can for my  readers. I go where my heart and instinct leads me. I also believe there’s a difference when you read something written with a passion for the subject, rather than an impulse to include a popular trend. Personally, when I love my subject I find there’s something inside me that pushes me to stretch myself and include some controversial points of view.


After all the decades of breeding horses I’ve seen the desirable and the less desirable side of life with horse people. Horses have taught me to understand the need to be self-disciplined, to push through the burning when all I want to do is stop. But I must love and have a solid reason to write the story I’m writing and know why. I need to recognise, like and even love my characters. I need to feel them around me, sometimes cheering me on and sometimes shaking their heads. I must have faith in them and know them inside out. They should be clamouring to tell me their story.

What about you? Do you agree that the love of what you do in your life makes a difference?

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