A dream role – write your story

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A dream role – write your story

Why not write your life story?

I’ve met a huge number of people over the years. Everywhere I go I love to engage with people and talk about their lives. It’s fabulous how horse people have so many anecdotes to share. But it’s not only horse people. For instance lately I met several people at a recent event and one in particular  relaid  several entertaining stories about his younger days and Volkswagens.

At the Toowoomba races we’ve met dozens of people from all walks of life who come together in the ownership of a racehorse. Now they have some super stories to share. It appears that no matter where I go I hear the most exhilarating, touching, shocking and funny stories about people’s lives.

I’m not only talking about older people. Young people have equally entertaining and often eyebrow-raising stories to share.

So have you ever thought about writing you own family story? Or even writing down all the favourite stories you love to share when you meet new people.

Let’s look at a few reasons why you should write your story.

Old or young there’s likely to be something in your life that the general public would enjoy reading. If you’re older and you’ve lived a longish life with twists and turns, achievements and experiences why not write a your own memoir? It could be about a person who’s lived a surprising life?

When you think about it we all have some extremely interesting stories, for instance, maybe you only mouthed the words during the entire time you sang in a church choir! Well, why not, it could happen. And the choirmaster always knew but never said a word!

Life constantly surprises us all. Life’s experiences are not only interesting – they can be life-changing or hilariously funny.

Writing about your life can be a special keepsake for your family, something they could cherish forever. How often have you learned something about your grandparents and say, ‘ wow, I didn’t know that!’

Often families can unexpectedly learn about some incredible achievements or the even the strength and tolerance of distant family members.

These days we’re encouraged to search out and understand about our heritage even the secrets that were never  discussed. Now secrets make great reading with a life lesson combined. There was something I wrote  in Tails Carried High – ‘three can only keep a secret if two of them are dead.’ Think about it.

Writing your life story can also give you a new perspective on life. Apparently, it’s great for your well-being and is a healthy cathartic exercise. I read that scientific research has stated that if you explore your feelings and write them down – it can actually build your immune system.

Plus writing down experiences can possibly help understand why people did and do certain things giving an overall insight into life as a whole.

If you decide to start writing don’t forget to always add light and shade. I know not everyone’s stories are full of laughter but the bright spots need to be included. I know I often repeat my favourite stories over and over to my poor friends and family but they make us laugh or they can incite great conversation.
I know when I look back on certain events in my life it helps me to let go of certain wrongs and embrace the each precious moment even more.

Why not give it a go? Who knows what could happen and how many lives you could touch and inspire.

I’d love to hear how you go.

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