A little Inspiration for Friday

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A little Inspiration for Friday
The East Creek Community Centre Toowoomba – Actions speak louder than words.
Author Carmel and East Creek Community Centre

Do your actions speak louder than words?
As I write my latest book I often become distracted by the day to day events around me. Words appear to flow around me as flood waters churn and sweep down a river without any understanding of the possible damage it will create.
Worst yet, lately I’ve wondered if words have lost meaning and value.

I thought about what effect that would have on business, friends and family? Shouldn’t we model behaviour consistent with our values? The people around me see what I do, and if it doesn’t correspond with what I say, then I’ve immediately lost their trust, their admiration, and their willingness to follow.


“People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.” ~Lewis Cass


I feel we should always consider our priorities, beliefs and values. They cannot be swept under the rug. They must be lived.

What values do you profess?
Putting clients first?
Treating friendships with respect?
What important values do you uphold as a family?
Is kindness to others important to you?
What about integrity and making an effort to do what’s right?

As I write about the live of my characters’ I also take a moment to think about their actions within the plot. Are these people I’ve created living out what they claim to hold important?
They may only be characters in a fictional story but they must be believable. After all, we’re all only human and like my characters all of us can get distracted or unfocused.
What’s important, though, is that I recognise the behaviour, and then commit to making the necessary changes to get my characters back on track. Just like us they have to learn to live priorities, beliefs and values. Personal integrity is only possible when we are fully aligned to our values.

It was via my writing but more so my frustration to find help to learn about my website that eventually led me to the East Creek Community Centre in Toowoomba.


This centre offers support to all who need it and clearly their actions do the talking, because action is what people notice anyway.

East Creek Community Centre is a catalyst for community development. The dedicated paid and volunteer staff provide support, advice, advocacy and professional development. They work with community groups and individuals throughout Toowoomba.

I was surprised to learn that there are programs are for everyone – children, adolescents, young adults, seniors, people with disabilities, multicultural groups and those who are socially isolated. They encourage all members of the community to participate.

You can become a volunteer, learn a new skill, attend an information session, plant a garden, develop your writing skills or learn to use a computer. For over twenty years, the Centre has delivered innovative programs that meet the community’s changing needs.

Members of East Creek Community Centre are welcome to attend committee meetings held on the 3rd Thursday of every month, starting at 5.30pm. Please call or email info@eastcreek.com.au the centre for more details. Phone 07 4639 2755 or 07 4639 2038 if the other number is busy.

Sally offers an invitation to come and join us, there’s lots to do! Visit our website to read the current Newsletter online and read all about the upcoming events. I’m incredibly grateful for all of the patient and helpful advice from Andras as I continue to learn more about websites than I ever thought possible.

East Creek Community Centre, 43 Kitchener Street, PO Box 4859, East Toowoomba, Qld 4350 – Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm
Phone (07) 4639 2755 – Fax (07) 4639 2038 – Email: info@eastcreek.com.au
Words adapted with permission. www.eastcreek.com.au

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