A weekend of new acquaintances and my TALK!

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A weekend of new acquaintances and my TALK!

After months of preparation the day finally arrived for me to fly to Sydney to do my talk.

The four keys – to unlock the future
Four keys are needed to unlock the future and manage the genetic diseases affecting the Arabian breed. Education, Research, Disclosure and Motivation. Sharing personal thoughts and experiences.

What a weekend!!!

Could it have been busier?

I don’t think so.

On Friday morning when I caught the bus to the Brisbane Airport I never imagined that I would have such a fascinating trip to Sydney.
I sat right at the front of the bus, just behind the driver. It’s a nice place to sit as you have the open road stretching before you instead of the back of a seat!

I found it a strange feeling knowing after several months of planning and writing my talk – it was time!!! I was well prepared so it was no use worrying.

Slipping into my seat I was happy to remain thoughtful and silent for my trip to Brisbane Airport. But this was not be, a woman sat next to me, smiling a friendly smile as I glanced up.
I now admit to barely drawing a breath all the way to the Airport. The two hour journey melted away as I heard about her fascinating, talented family and how she and her husband had a sapphire mine. We parted with a hug at the airport and I gave her a copy of ‘Tails Carried High’ to read on her flight to Emerald.

Waiting for the plane I had a final out loud read through my talk and hand numbered the pages. Not sure what the people in the departure lounge thought – but I didn’t really care. Once on board the plane I sat next to another woman who was reading a newspaper. I settled back, shifting a little in my seat to find the most comfortable angle, happy to relax and think about all I had just learned about sapphire mining. It was not to be – after a brief bout of coughing by the woman beside me I expressed concern… I found I had once again sat next to a really interesting person. The woman I was sitting next too was the marketing manager for Meals on Wheels NSW. I really respect this organisation as I know they assisted my grandfather in his last years. They may have brought him food but they also brought a smiling happy face that gave him friendly contact with others daily. (I think I might have to blog about Meals on Wheels further this week)

To top off this wonderful weekend I spent time with Jody Winning who has the online bookstore www.equitainment.com.au Jody her parents and I watched the Royal Wedding and again I had a sense of being around special people.

My friend Greg Egan (he made the trip to Sydney especially to support me) was my chauffer to the AHSA office at Windsor. Although a little nervous to start I soon forgot about nerves and became involved in what I was trying to put across. The talk was well received and I thank everyone who took the time to catch up with me afterwards. I trust I gave the audience something to think about regarding genetic testing expressing how vitally important it is so the Arabian breed can go forward safely into the future.

Finally to cap off a great weekend I got to see some wonderful horses then enjoy lunch at Byron Bay with my husband… Whew – what a weekend!

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