Autumn the slow down season…

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Autumn the slow down season…

Everywhere I look our geraniums and daisies are flowering. I know everyone has them and often they don’t like them but they offered my only spot of colour all through the drought years, so I am ever grateful and have developed a nostalgic love of them.

The month of May offers a myriad of coloured beauty to the residents of Toowoomba. Because we’re so high above sea level we have all the Autumn colours as the trees lose their leaves.

The horses coats are beginning to thicken but they look whiter and quite ethereal. Their eyes appear outlined with eyeliner instead of the black skinned hairless face of summer.

I read recently that our emotions actually represent the seasons. I quote, ‘Autumn is where we need to slow down and appreciate the beauty that is around us. It’s a time of re-evaluating what we want to do in the warmer months.’

So, take some time during May and look around you. Enjoy the beauty of your home, your property, the people around you. Enjoy the perfect climate and the subtle change in the Autumn light. Take the time to notice the bluer clear skies and enjoy the suddenly chilly evenings. Enjoy the buzzing of the bees and take note of the tiny gum nuts weighing down the branches of the gum trees.

I now smile after the extraordinary rain we received this year and notice the extra growth in the trees and sadly the weeds! But look around, it costs nothing to enjoy nature. Plus some things never change, my daisies and geraniums are still flowering their cheery little heads off.

‘Autumn is the eternal corrective. It is ripeness and colour and a time of maturity; but it is also breadth, and depth, and distance. What man can stand with autumn on a hilltop and fail to see the span of his world and the meaning of the rolling hills that reach to the far horizon?’
Hal Borland

‘I cannot endure to waste anything as precious as autumn sunshine by staying in the house. So I spend almost all the daylight hours in the open air.’
Nathaniel Hawthorne

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