Writing and Artistic inspiration…

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Writing and Artistic inspiration…

In any creative field, whether it’s painting, writing, or photography, we face the possibility of our inspiration sometimes being missing in action. When this happens to me, I seek out specific sources that can assist me to return the creative flow to my project.

But when we need rejuvenation, where do we turn?
Many of us have our favourite places where thoughts and ideas jump into our heads and strangely for me, my place is cleaning stables! I need an expert to tell me why this happens. But cleaning stables is a repetitive process which requires no real talent or thought, so maybe my mind empties, allowing new ideas to come forward? It sounds good to me so for arguments sake I’ll stick to that idea!

Although they are different, art and writing have a close relationship. Painting pictures with words and a paint brush aim to reach the same end. A creation of beauty, or drama maybe even fear – something memorable.

An example below of Art, Photography and writing all saying the same thing….

Photograph Carmel Rowley-Cover Tails Carried High

Excerpt from ‘TAILS CARRIED HIGH’by Carmel Rowley
“Jessikah stood beside Sonja, drinking in the broad sculptured head and, not for the first time, wished she were an artist. His large jutting eye sat right on the extremity of its eye cage and was placed nearly halfway down his face. His nostrils were paper thin and the expansion so great the interior red membranes could be seen. His eye showed a hint of white around the edges of the corneas, giving him a mischievous and slightly wild look. Jessikah loved it.”

Cropped painting by Marian Duncan of above horse.

A great idea for art-based inspiration is to directly tap into the source. I know whenever I’m feeling down or have a looming personal problem; I turn to my horses for some inspiration and to my books for words of wisdom.

With the Internet, individual artists find at the touch of a fingertip writers to inspire. Go to the source read and view what you love. I guarantee it will drop you into a flood of new ideas. You only have to invest a little time. By observing artworks of individual artists, and re-read your favourite authors you can learn new techniques, compare their work to your work and improve your skills.

“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.”Jamie Paolinetti quote

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