She has returned…

with 4 Comments

Life may change, but it may fly not;
Hope may vanish, but can die not;
Truth be veiled, but still it burneth;
Love repulsed, – but it returneth!

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792 – 1822)
British Poet

Her daughter may have taken over her stable but strangely it was always Shaina’s face I would see staring up the hill towards the house. After several years being leased our wonderful mare Shaina has come home. I only visited her once in the four years she was away and embarrassed myself by crying as soon as I saw her galloping up the paddock.

Shaina this morning- full winter coat but her loveliness is obvious

She arrived home in the dark and dragged my husband Don down the driveway – she knew exactly where she was going. Her old paddock mate Sarah (Simeon Sarah) called to her and she answered in a voice all the older horses remembered… each one chorusing her homecoming.


Shaina watching the mad minute
Shaina is Simeon Shaina (Asfour x Simeon Safanad) her full brother, Stav (Simeon Stav) greeted her enthusiastically last night, but this morning glanced at her as if to say, ‘it’s about time you came home!’

Stav not really very surprised

The others all had a mad minute galloping then snorting around their paddocks, all except Simeon Sarah who watched with a quiet dignity befitting her 32 years of age.

A final snort for fun

Sarah watching

Even Sima (Simeon Sima) kicked up her heels and bossed her youngest daughter Simoonah who had no idea why everyone was excited but was happy to join in anyway. Sihr was the most excited, bursting for a closer look, he is all male virility.


Today is a new beginning…

Thank you Saba Stud for taking such wonderful care of our beauty.


4 Responses

  1. Tracey
    | Reply

    Welcome back Shaina! Still as gorgeous as ever. I’ll be sure to bring some welcome home carrots next time we visit.

  2. Carmel
    | Reply

    Look forward to it Tracey so will Shaina 😉

  3. Dixie
    | Reply

    Oh my gosh Carmel ,how exciting for you and Don to have your precious girl back home,loved your blog and am sure Shaina is happy to be back home.Hope it is for good 🙂 She looks amazing and was obviously very well cared for.Look forward to seeing how her new babies grow up.Hugs always xox

  4. Carmel
    | Reply

    Dixie it is lovely to have her home. Poor darling was exhausted from her trip but is eating now and seems much happier in herself. Saba looked after her as their own, we are very grateful to them.

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