Digital revolution a threat to publishing industry?

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From ‘Latest News’ Griffin press

Digital revolution a threat to publishing industry…

Sarah Martin from: AdelaideNow

February 16, 2010 1:04PM

As a child, each night before bed, budding author Tara Moss would be given a treat.
It was not ice cream, or a few extra minutes of her favourite television show – but that most precious of times: reading time.

Tucked up with a book, in a household bursting with books of all sizes, was how little Tara developed a love of words on paper.

“My first favourite children’s books were Where The Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak, and The Gashlycrumb Tinies by Edward Gorey, from which I learned the alphabet,” she says.

“I love printed books to the point of fetishism,” she declares.

“I enjoy the smell and feel of old books, and I only ever read full-length novels in print form.”

Since the birth of the Gutenberg printing press in 1450, words on paper have defined our civilisation.

The printing press was indeed a revolution and spawned the Renaissance, the scientific revolution, the mass media and democracy as we know it…..

TAILS CARRIED HIGH  available in e-book (e-pub and kindle) go to Buy Online page

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