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We had some wonderful rain today. For this weekend I could stay indoors without worrying about all the things that needed doing outside.

I thought the rain might create a writing frenzy for me. But no, it was the opposite. The rain seemed to dilute my creativity so once again my writing schedule was interrupted. Just when the words were flowing I stopped to listen to the rain pelting on the roof, then spent far too long watching the mickey birds sit on the back of the chairs outside my window shaking and preening their wet feathers. The rain gave me a sinking feeling that was more than just my rubber boots squelching through the mud – my regular routine is out of wack!
The trouble is I like my regimented routine, wake up, cup of tea, write, have breakfast, put horses out in their paddocks, clean stables, do emails, write, feed stallions lunch (usually late) then do whatever else needs to be done. Bring horses in, feed horses, feed us, do emails or watch TV or fall asleep!
I may have this crazy day to day routine but strangely it offers new beginnings and sometimes a more intriguing story line. But lately I’m stuck. I’ve read you need to create a type of anchor in your life so you can cope with the constant highs and the lows of life. So I decided to give it a go. The idea is to select a moment or stage in your life when you have experienced a great sense of accomplishment or overcome that special challenge. This is your anchor. You write on a piece of card or paper the description of that special moment and keep it close by. When life is getting you down, you are to spend a few moments reliving the moment you’ve written about on your anchor. You remember the unstoppable power you felt. This process is to create the state of mind you felt at that time followed by immediate action to build momentum to get back on track!
They’re saying more rain tomorrow!

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