Another treasure?

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The Christmas crow arrived on Carmels deck this morning all wet and beddraggled from the rain.. His Santa hat is looking sad and flat but he was flapping his wings with excitement!! He handed Carmel a slightly soggy note!
Apparently news of the treasure is spreading and there is word of another treasure!  This time found in Tasmania!
The note from Liz said…
“I found my treasure at the front gate. It arrived magiclly by post in record time. I could hardly wait to open the package. In my haste I tried to open the package by myself but to no avail the package was resisting so well protected it was.. My trusty scissors came to the rescue and there it was the treasure. I couldn’t wait til nightfall to turn the first page. Three nights later as I flipped across the first two pages I found another treasure…. words written for Liz. How poignant they were…. how apt…….. how insightful of their author…..they touched my soul.”
No wonder the Christmas crow was so excited, with his santa hat  dried and pressed he flew off squarking happily….

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