Pondering the difference between clients, friendships and friendly.

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Pondering the difference between clients, friendships and friendly. (Years of observing and learning!)

Pictured Carmel, Simeon Sarah, Lorraine Kauffmann. Long time friend Lorraine Kauffmann was the breeder from whom we purchased Sarah during the middle 1980’s.

In the fast pace of the world today the lines appear to have blurred when it comes to communication and client relationships. Over the years I’ve thought long and hard about the client, friendship – relationship, though I’ve never had any illusions about where I stand with the people I’ve made purchases from. While some of these people defied the odds and became true, long standing friends, others remain the friendly person who sold me something.  After all friendly means pleasant and we should always be friendly with our clients. But, the difference between client-friendly and friendship is a cavern so wide you have to plot a course to cross. When you think about it – friendship is a bond, another human being you can trust completely, that wants the best for you. Friends share the grief times along with the great times. Being together without needing to pretend and forgiving pretences if they occur.

While I don’t consider client friendships as a bad thing, I have observed how some client friendships only serve as a vehicle to market what people may have to sell. For instance the flattering idea of a friendship with someone of importance, immediately drives the clients self importance to new heights and they desperately want to be friends. But often these so called friendships begin to gradually peter out once the purchase has been completed and the purchaser begins to expect more from the relationship. I can recall words from past conversations like, ‘they act as if they own me’ cropping up and at the time I thought, if you behave in a manner that misconstrues your intentions to make a sale, how can you not expect this type of behaviour. To be honest if people, whether a client or a friend shows you the type of person they truly are believe them. Don’t think it will be different for you.

There have been many times when I’ve questioned becoming friends with a person I was dealing with. But, “sometimes ” wonderful relationships come out of such situations, but above I always took the time to observe those around me and notice how the person I was dealing with treated the people around them! I’ve always been on a life journey of self discovery (I am a little obsessed by this) so I feel everyone should learn to really know themselves because all friendships present a challenge and more so if there’s a client/competitive element involved.

And finally, some things to remember about the difference between clients versus friends. Friends know the difference between pretence and substance, where clients may not. Friends bask in the glow of the other’s triumphs, clients probably don’t, they wish they were there instead of you! But the nicest of all, friends will always be there when you need them…

Words Carmel Rowley

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