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The New Year is the perfect opportunity to review and think about what you would like to happen over the next twelve months. I know it’s a cliché – we say the same thing every year BUT one of these years we will actually make something we have always wanted come true. There are so many different roads to choose to achieve your goals and I will share a few today:

The power of positive thinking…
I know you will be thinking , just another cliché! But this one happens to be TRUE! I read once that it is not what happens to you that counts as much as how you react to what happens.

Put in the effort…
I believe the only way to get what you want is to put in the effort required to get it. I have many people ask me about my path-breaking effort as an independent/self publisher and they often shocked when they learn the HUGE amount of effort I have had to put into this journey so far. And I am about a mile down the road – of a thousand mile journey!!  After a year of never ending dramas I am at last travelling far more confidently! There is no doubt I am  chartering new territories.

There’s always failure…
Failure is not failure when you learn from it. For me failure or my mistakes has forced me to learn new skills.

Do what you are passionate about…
Look to your past achievements.  What you are passionate about?  Use your dreams for the future, this will help you discover what it is you would love to do… If you are a writer write about what you LOVE!

Setting your goals…
We have nearly come the full circle!  Time to turn your passion into a practical reality.

Finally one of the most important lessons in life…
Giving back to others! The absolute best aspect of achieving some success is that it enables you to help others achieve the same.

Everyone needs a reminder now and again as they strive to turn their idea, plan or dream into reality.
Take it from me, it is never too late and one is never too old to achieve life’s goals! All you have to do is take that fist step on the road to your dreams!
I may have 999 miles to go on my journey but at least I am on my way.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone and GOOD LUCK

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