For Thursday Art Day the ‘Eye of Horus’

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For Thursday Art Day the ‘Eye of Horus’

The ‘Eye of Horus’ plays a largish role in Winds of Time – Book 3 of the ‘Daughters of the Wind’ series. Many may know that in ‘Winds of Time’ my fictional family are in Egypt. While visiting the EAO, Jessikah is given an eye of Horus from a young man whose job is to care for the horses. Though she protests, he insists that she wears the eye because he sees danger around her …

When I was researching the meaning of the udjat eye I came across some fascinating information, so for those like me, who love everything Egyptian, I thought you might enjoy learning more about it.

From the higher heavens the Elohim and the B’nai Elohim continually oversee creation through the Father’s Eye of creation and the Eye of Horus. They are the “Fathers” who watch the formation of the Brotherhoods of Light who are pre-created in the heavens. They align their eyes with the eye network patterns of the individual species for the eye is the opening to the code of creation.
quoted from Keys of Enoch by J.J. Hurtak – page 508

The highly stylized eye of the falcon-headed solar and sky god Horus (the Latin version of Hor) is associated with regeneration, health, and prosperity. It has become commonly associated with esoterica and the occult. It is also called the udjat eye or utchat eye, which means “sound eye”.
The udjat is depicted as a human eye and eyebrow as they would be seen looking at a person full-faced. The eye is decorated with the markings that adorn the eyes of hawks.

Usually, it is the right eye shown as the udjat, although the left is not uncommon. This is probably because of another myth that say that the sun and the moon were the right (sun) and left (moon) eyes of the sky god and the sun is seen as more powerful.

The entire eye measured 1 heqat. And each of the parts of the eye measured fractions of the heqat.

These are the parts of the EYE and their corresponding associated fraction values :

The corresponding sense data are :-
1/64 heqat Touch
1/32 heqat Taste
1/16 heqat Hearing
1/8 heqat Thought
1/4 heqat Sight
1/2 heqat Smell

The EYE OF HORUS has a very specific meaning. The eye is represented as a figure with 6 parts. These 6 parts correspond to the six senses – Touch, Taste, Hearing, Thought, Sight, Smell. These are the 6 parts of the *eye*. The eye is the receptor of *input*. It has these six doors, to receive data.

The construction of the eye follows very precise laws. The senses are ordered according to their importance. And according to how much energy must be *eaten* by the *eye* for an individual to receive a particular sensation. All of the sensory data input is *food*.

Also, in the Egyptian system there is the unit of the ro. And by definition 320 ro = 1 heqat. The symbol for the ro is the mouth, it represented one mouthful. Again associating these measures with food, or data.

To see how the drawings of the eye correspond to the various senses note:-

1. Touch 1/64 heqat or 5 ro

This part of the EYE represents planting a stick into the ground. Like planting a stalk that will take root. The Earth represents touch. Planting itself represents physical contact and touching.

2. Taste 1/32 heqat or 10 ro

This part of the EYE represents the sprouting of the wheat or grain from the planted stalk. It is the food we put into our mouth. And so represents taste. Taste is also = Touch + Shape. That is to say, the different tastes we experience come from touching different shapes. So, touch is more a fundamental sense that taste.

3. Hearing 1/16 heqat or 20 ro

This part of the EYE represents the EAR. The figure points towards the ear on the face. Also, it has the shape of a horn or musical instrument. When we Hear a sound or combination of sounds we find this to be pleasing or unpleasant. The sound has a taste for us, causing a preference. Sound requires Touch + Taste and so is a combination of the lower senses.

4. Thought 1/8 heqat or 40 ro

This part of the EYE represents thought. We often use our eyebrows to express our thoughts. And this facial feature is closest to that part of the forehead we associate with thinking. We raise our eyebrows to express surprise, for example. Thought = Touch + Taste + Hearing. We have a *taste* for different types of thoughts.

5. Sight 1/4 heqat or 80 ro

This is the pupil of the EYE representing seeing, or light.

6. Smell 1/2 heqat or 160 ro

This part of the EYE points to the nose representing the sensation of smell.


The reverence shown to parents is one of the virtues symbolized by the udjat, and the amulet could be used as a substitute for any of the offerings an eldest son was supposed to provide daily at his father’s tomb. It was believed to ward of sickness and capable of bringing the dead to life (as it did with Osiris). The eye was also placed in the wrappings of the mummies over the incision where the embalmers removed the internal organs. Damaging the body in any way was considered bad luck for the deceased, and the Egyptians hoped to protect it by placing the amulet over the cut.

Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis, was called “Horus who rules with two eyes.” His right eye was white and represented the sun; his left eye was black and represented the moon. According to myth Horus lost his left eye to his evil brother, Seth, whom he fought to avenge Seth’s murder of Osiris. Seth tore out the eye but lost the fight. The eye was reassembled by magic by Thoth, the god of writing, the moon, and magic. Horus presented his eye to Osiris, who experienced rebirth in the underworld.

As an amulet the Eye of Horus has three versions: a left eye, a right eye, and two eyes. The eye is constructed in fractional parts, with 1/64 missing, a piece Thoth added by magic…

The Egyptians used the eye as a funerary amulet for protection against evil and rebirth in the underworld, and decorated mummies, coffins, and tombs with it. The Book of the Dead instructs that funerary eye amulets be made out of lapis lazuli or a stone called mak. Some were gold-plated.

It was called the “all-seeing Eye.” Other attributes associated with it are terror and wrath. According to some myths, the eye took on a personality of its own, swooping down out of the sky to right wrongs… Assisting to right wrongs would be the Eye of Horus’ purpose in ‘Winds of Time’.

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