‘NO SECRET’ a poem

with 3 Comments

Embracing National Poetry Month


Do you wonder the secret of happiness and wealth?
Do you wonder why history keeps repeating itself?

The same old behaviours, the same old experiences.
Why so important to keep up appearances?

Life patterns run riot drama upon drama
they don’t understand it – some say it is karma.

They used to be early and now they’re just late
They fell off the ladder – then forgot to shut the gate!

They become sick every Monday – the house is a mess
They cannot afford it – they feel far too stressed.

They say people are nasty, what should life be?
So why does the world always do this to me!

These patterns that haunt me why don’t they stop?
The answer is easy – get a bucket and mop.

Add ten cups of fun and laughter, add ten cups of what we know
how life always changes when we change our minds flow.

You might meet resistance life’s a challenge after all
be prepared, be persistent put out that skyward call.

Self-image is the blue print to decide how to fare
attract only people, the very special ones who care.

The ignorant don’t see it but the astute know it well
what is done today is important, dream, desire but don’t dwell.

Happiness is working with the natural laws around
whatever the experience, happiness hides until found.

Your feelings make a difference, your choice of words stretch the mind.
Could it be what you put out returns, good grief, I’m early, the gates shut, the people kind?

Start today, don’t just wonder, start today with a smile.
Make it friendly, honest, truthful, choose to go that extra mile.

Practice flowing appreciation; flood the world with joy above
therein lies the happiness secret, it’s no secret, it’s feeling love.


Words Carmel Rowley


Photograph Greg Egan


3 Responses

  1. Willa Frayser
    | Reply

    I LOVE THIS! Carmel you are such a true talent and can put any words together and they make sense – you look like Tinker Belle in those Foxtails! XOXO

    • Carmel
      | Reply

      Thank you Willa, you are always so encouraging. I actually could cope being Tinker Bell;-) xxoo

  2. Carmel
    | Reply

    Oh Willa, you’ve made my day thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. I’m really enjoying writing poetry and this National Poetry Month is the perfect time to work on some new thoughts and ideas. Greg did an amazing job with these photographs he really should take up portrait photography. It was such fun so much laughing. Thank you again and a big hug. xxoo

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