This week let’s thank our lucky stars …

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This week let’s thank our lucky stars …
Whether you believe in luck or not shouldn’t we appreciate how lucky we are?
I now realise that many people are operating from the belief that there is not enough – not enough money – not enough time – not enough resources. But the truth is we live in a time where we have more of everything than we have ever had before.
It’s time to stop saying I don’t have enough time. We all have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Albert Einstein, and look what they achieved!
A white horse to love…
“I am a great believer in luck. The harder I work, the more of it I seem to have.” ~Coleman Cox
I believe this feeling of lack arises because we get caught up in this ‘time poor’ attitude and forget to appreciate what we have. I know from the statistics that if you have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in and a refrigerator in your home, then be grateful, because you are better off than 75 precent of the worlds population. Hard to believe in this day and age isn’t it.
A purposeful goal to work towards…

“Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.” Ralph Waldo Emerson


I made a pact with myself over the last few years to begin each day with the conscious awareness of gratitude. To be honest I’m at that age if I simply wake up each morning I’m grateful. To hear the crows squawking I’m grateful and if I can see the beauty around me I’m grateful. I’m very focused on valuing the abundance that we all share in, especially in this lucky country that we call Australia. Today is Remembrance Day so I’m especially grateful to all those who lost their lives to make the world better for future generations.
Don and Sorsha
Loved ones who support and encourage…
It’s time to wake up and instead of thinking I don’t have enough, take a deep breathe and consciously make time to create a deeper connection with those we love. Instead of worrying throughout the day about not having enough money or things, maybe it’s time to look around and start appreciating all the beautiful things in our lives. Wouldn’t it be good to start seeing a future full of abundance, joy and love.
“What do you get when you cross poison ivy with a four-leaf clover?  A rash of good luck.”  ~Author Unknown
We have more than enough time, resources and ability to move from a place of lack to a place of abundance and appreciation in a country where values, strength, hard work and maybe a little bit of help from ‘lady luck’ has helped mould out Australian culture into being much more fortunate than many others.
A belief that all people are good…
Inspired by:  A white horse to love. A purposeful goal to work towards. Loved ones who support and encourage. A belief that all people are good.  And a little luck.

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