Little things – Big impact …

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Little things – Big impact …

BlogQuote-A Stav Moment 2 110

Do you ever think about all those little things in your life that can suddenly do an about face and become big! It can be a good big or a bad big, small achievements, annoyances or failures that escalated.

When I’m writing I spend lots of time contemplating the how’s and why’s of my plot and I have come to realise that little steps are as effective and in some cases more productive in the long term that great strides.

I know it was this way in the very early years of our Arabian horse breeding program. I can remember wanting to buy horse after horse thinking this would make a difference, when in actual fact it just made more work and over time, many of the horses chosen didn’t suit our goals.

With my writing I often have an epiphany and write like a mad person only to find with the next draft I delete nearly all I had written. When I was writing “Tails Carried High” I often asked my self, ‘will I ever get this book finished?’ I know now, that although it may have taken longer to write the novel was finished by taking tiny, little steps forward.

I firmly believe that life is made up of millions of small gestures in the course of our lifetime. Lots of little joys, and gestures, shared or done, with or for others. Tiny offerings you do, something you might read or simply hear about and never forget.

The thing is, I know we all have experiences that are unforgettable, those moments which can be a ‘spur of the moment’ happening, or a helping hand to ring up on the register of life, knowing the little highs were possibly part of your destiny as they become embedded in your soul to make life seem fuller and more satisfying. In fact these little things can grow from being ‘little’ into something big and meaningful as you share the experience time and time again. The veritable ‘my fish was this big’ story can give enormous pleasure, create belly shaking laugher and form long times bonds. When you think about it, the little things of life have the power to become some of the most exciting things that can ever happen to us.
I’ve remembered a few little things I have read and some other ‘little’ things that fill me with happiness.

 “Friendship is like an old book, when you turn its pages you experience lots of different emotions only to realise that even after sharing the best and the worst the story has to offer, you still have the same outcome – love.” ~Carmel Rowley


A small gesture of kindness – from someone who loves you.

A book you’ve been dying to read. I’m calling your name. Cant you hear me?

An opportunity to be creative. Don’t wait for one—make one. Start a journal or a scrapbook,  get creative and paint a picture.

A special snack or drink you savour. A foamy latte or a box of chocolates.

The moment after the rain stops. Everything has that unique clean, fresh smell.


How do I love thee? Let me count the ways …’ ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning

A little sonnet written for the wonderful old horses living out their lives at Pearsons View today the words are for Simeon Stav



I love thy face and beauty; I love with smiles and tears.

I praise thy foals of spirit, and dreams fulfilled o’er years.

I love thy soul and kindness, and faith no matter what…

Old age may have approached thee, but beauty, diminishes not.

What better way celebrate, than with a sonnet clear?

Ye are still young in memories, my memories, forever dear.

~Carmel Rowley



SIMEON STAV AND PEARSONS VIEW ARABIANS                 ~ Carmel Rowley


The Arabian horse can have a life changing influence over breeders. The call to maintain without extreme alteration appears to be the modern day the challenge. I have never forgotten we are the Arabian breeds patrons and my life has been blessed by being a part of such a wonderful pastime. I can only hope that those who come after me realise their responsibility, one that not only expands the mind, but opens the heart and reveals the true and caring person within.   

It would be fair to say Simeon Stav was an important cornerstone for the Pearsons View breeding program.  In the 1970’s and 80’s magazines were scoured to follow the descendants of the mare Hanan. Lines to her son Jamil were already part of the stud and these family lines became a benchmark for our future. Imagine our joy when Asfour came to Australia. We believed so strongly in his ability as a sire we purchased his first foal, Simeon Stav (x Simeon Safanad).

Simeon Stav (the invisible miracle – a good title for a book!) is loved by many and most certainly appreciated for his beauty, but, to be remarkable, Arabian horses have to prove their superiority when reproducing their own quality.  Even the most beautiful Arabian has to fulfil certain ideals.  Balanced conformation, brilliance of movement and presence cannot be overlooked as these characteristics typify the breed. These qualities and more are instilled in Stav’s progeny, not only are they most appealing in appearance, they generally show the highest degree of athletic ability and inclination to perform.  On reflection even the most beautifully written words were nothing compared to with seeing Stav in the flesh. The legacy of Simeon Stav  has exceeded all expectations and we were eternally grateful to have this stallion grace our lives.


“Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of
choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing
to be achieved.”

~ Jeremy Kitson

Heart and Intuition ~ Carmel Rowley


Regardless of what we believe in whether it’s the chakras, bio-energy fields or focused, positive thinking, the power that remains undeniable is love. And the location that we associate with love is our heart. The purpose, importance and value of love extends through all humanity, without regard to wealth, religion or education. This single fact is evidence that love is the central force that moves all things.

When we think of the heart we immediately think of love and we associate love to passion, a sense of belonging, a sense of purpose and probably importance. Our intuition seems to be the predominant sensation of the soul. However, the heart is without doubt food for the soul. The heart is the source of nurturing and warmth encouraging the soul to express its identity. It helps us to find courage to face our fears and more often life’s pain. If there ever was a road we should be taking it would have to be in the direction of our soul – making our heart the driver of our soul. And if there was one concept that can always put us on the right track, it would be to follow our heart in what we do. Sometimes it may seem impossible even reckless to follow our heart. But the whole process is about achieving our dreams and fantasies, about finding and living our life’s passion. It’s about truly feeling alive and courageous.



A beautiful sunset or sunrise. Nothing is more likely to take your breath away.

A thoughtful question from a friend. How wonderful that they care.

A long phone conversation. Call a dear friend, and start reminiscing.

Ten minutes with your animals. Hug your dog, cat, horse  it’s so VERY soothing and very mediative.

Finding money you didn’t know you had. Leave a ten dollar note in your coat pocket to find in the future.


“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the
whole staircase, just take the first step.”
    ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Receiving a hand-written letter. Become a pen pal. Do you remember pen pals?

A smell that evokes a visceral reaction. What smell makes you remember those you love or loved? 

Something so funny it makes you laugh out loud. How good is that.

Feeling someone take your hand in theirs.  Holding hands – so special.

A small gesture of support. A squeeze of your hand, a meaningful look, a smile of encouragement. All small actions, with a big impact.

Extending a small courtesy and watch the effect. Hold the door for someone or thank them for something.

“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that
your strength lies.”
  ~ Mother Teresa
A little thing like laughter …
Laughter revives your heart.
Laughter releases stress.
Laughter replenishes your Spirit.
Laughter repairs your cells.
Laughter recharges your Being.
Laughter regenerates your mind.

Laughter restores balance.
Laughter re-invigorates your senses.
Laughter reinforces joy.
Laughter reinstates sanity.
Laughter rejuvenates the body.
Laughter reminds you to take things lightly.
Laughter re-engages you with Life.
~ Robert Beno

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