How do you want to be remembered?

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How do you want to be remembered?


Remembered Image2


“Remember your humanity and forget the rest”

Albert Einstein


I blogged about this some time ago but the twists and turns of life and the constant thought processes of writing my next novel put me back in a place of pondering how we might like to be remembered. In fact, have you ever stopped to think about how you’ll be remembered by friends, your fellow breeders or even by the people in the town where you live?

This latest novel I’m writing, a murder mystery has me thinking about my legacy. Research does this; it takes you off into the past forcing you to ponder how one small gesture of kindness or the right word at the right time or the wrong word at the wrong time may have the ability to change a person’s destiny.

When I read the books needed for my research and having lived among competitive human beings for some forty years, I’ve heard it said a bad thing is repeated on average 15 times while a good thing only 7! It’s a scary thought that if you say or do the wrong thing , it will be recalled over and over, possibly long after you’ve departed this world.


These days I’m far too busy, and too many years have past to go through life wondering what people think of me. But I certainly try, though I’m not saying I succeed all the time, to make good life choices and consider the consequences of my actions. I’m the first to admit that I think seriously about and can often struggle with life’s lessons. However, shouldn’t we all try to be aware of the choices we make in our lives because these choices will be recalled many times throughout a life-time.

“We need to be clear which emotions are harmful and which are helpful; then cultivate those that are conducive to peace of mind. Often, due to a lack of knowledge, we accept anger and hatred as natural parts of our minds. This is an example of ignorance being the source of our problems. To reduce our destructive emotions we strengthen the positive ones; such emotional hygiene can contribute to a healthier society.” ~ Dalai Lama

For example: in my mind’s eye I still vividly see the cruel behaviour in the marshalling area at the 1997 USA Egyptian Event. These people made a choice and carried it through. I walked away in disgust.

Then the images of the out of control, almost criminal actions of the ‘hazers’ at Aachen 2004 shocked me so much I visualised the possible consequences of such ridiculous behaviour. This in turn had me writing what occurred in my minds eye in book 2 of my Daughters of the Wind series. Sadly, after experiencing such behaviour, the people I once admired tremendously are no longer viewed with the same admiration! And see – I’m still talking about it!

How you treat people, will also affect how you’re treated. Treat and speak to people with respect; and the laws of attraction ensure you’re treated in the same way.

Of course, there are those who continually behave in the same fashion habitually. They say you only have to repeat something six times for it become a habit! I’ve also noticed that some people don’t change; instead they cleverly hide their true selves. It’s their choice. The important thing here is, you can choose the way you wish to deal with those people.

Steven West, author of the book, ‘What happens when we Die,’ would say; ‘hence the need to reincarnate and learn, we have been doing this for eternity.’

I know my grandmother believed we continually come back to perfect our lives. Which makes me think some could be coming back for all eternity!

Shouldn’t we treat each other fairly and kindly. As the saying goes, what goes around, comes around. I consider being kind to all the creatures of our earth; honesty with integrity, thoughtful, loving and generous habits would have to be the greatest ways to leave a personal lasting legacy.


Should we prepare the way today; so that the words spoken tomorrow will be that of admiration, not of judgment or shameful choices.

As time moves on, how do you think others speak about you?

Take a minute and think about what kind of “legacy” you want to leave behind?

How would you like to be remembered?

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