IT DOESN’T MATTER WHY – do what you love.

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IT DOESN’T MATTER WHY – do what you love.

Do you achieve more when you do the things you love?
Is this thing you love a winning ticket to success?

For me personally I feel my best achievements tend to reflect the enjoyment I took in creating them. Love is what led me from breeding the Arabian horse of my dreams to sustainable writing. Love is one of the things we look for in ourselves and also in our friends and family.

“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you.” Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou was correct. We should aim to master the things we love. Do them well, and I believe rewards will come.

There’s no doubt that you’ll do your best when you work at the things you love. Love is what people look for in partners and most of us dedicate our entire lives searching for someone or something to love. We spend corresponding days and nights, hoping to find the book, the horse even a writing style that you and those around you can fall in love with.

What about the horses?
Don’t fall victim to the pressure of breeding. If you try too hard to find something, generally you won’t find it but if you don’t try, you won’t find it either.
It’s about dedicating time and effort to achieve a balance. and the writing that allows you to express your ideas, emotions, and opinions, as if you were confiding to a friend.

What if you just don’t know what you want to write about?
Experiment with genres, tones, voices and humour. Find what works for you. Listen to your responses and edit, edit and edit. Research and discover unfamiliar subjects. Who knows where you’ll end up. It  lends itself to the discovery of new directions. When you’ve written a story or article you love, you generally know.

Can you think of something you love that you can create a story around?
Whether it’s breeding horses or writing, patience is key – don’t expect anything to happen immediately. These days we live in an instant society but from experience both breeding horses and writing books equal long hard slogs. Both are as far away from instant as Australia is from the moon.
Love is something we all aspire to but combine it with curiosity and wonder and you have a recipe for success. But we’re all in a constant battle with ourselves to identify the things that makes us succeed; that one special vocation. So, reduce the pressure, and maybe inspiration will come to you when you least expect it.

One final question for you to answer. What do I absolutely love in life?

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