My whirlwind year…

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Over the past year I have been asked many questions about my whirlwind year of book publishing but the most common still asked is…

How did you become interested in writing?

My answer must begin with – Firstly I’m a reader and I cannot imagine my life without books. Reading helped me through a serious illness as a child and even now it calms me and immediately takes me into another world. I have always been a daydreamer, thinking up stories and writing a diary when I travelled so writing seemed to be a part of me.
For as far back as I can remember there have been piles of books on my bedside table. I also love to re-read my favourite stories. They are my best friends -when I open the book at a certain part of the story and know exactly where I am. I feel fortunate that I grew up in a time with no computers because my world was all about nature, horses, reading and my dreams. The interest in writing came much later after I experienced more of life.

It took many years, several courses and lots of practice to learn to polish sentences and hone any sort of writing skills. I would never call myself an expert but I know what I like to read, so that’s what

I write and it seems my readers feel the same way. I am a believer in that old saying ‘practice makes perfect’ but in saying this I also believe in every persons creativity. It’s there in most of us, just expressed in different ways. A light in your world, as you walk life’s journey.

I liken my writing journey to our Arabian horse breeding experience, in that – there is always something else to learn.

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