Meet Yatimah… reluctant super model!

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Four more days before the official launch to the ‘Danika and Yatimah from Egypt to the Outback’.
To celebrate we did a photo shoot with the one and only ‘Yatimah’!
Sarah is the actual horse Yatimah was based on…

“Is this where you want me?” asked Sarah.

 “No Sarah closer to the books…” answered the photographer.

“Is this better?”

“No Sarah closer!”

What about this?” said Sarah. It was clear she was not happy.

‘What did I tell you about your ears… You can do better than that!”

Sarah gave a little smirk. “Like this!”


…and they all lived happily ever after.  At least until tomorrow….

The launch is to be held at the Australian National Arabian Championships Tamworth at the AHSA awards dinner, Friday evening March 18, 2011.
An auction will be conducted for the AHSA Charity Flood Appeal. A Book pack including copies of ‘Tails Carried High – Voices in the Wind’ and ‘Danika and Yatimah from Egypt to the Outback’ will be on offer.

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