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I have to admit, choosing names for the characters in my books can sometimes be terribly difficult…   To solve the problem I am holding ***A FUN COMPETITION*** ** BE IMMORTALISED ** HAVE A CHARACTER NAMED AFTER YOU IN BOOK … Read More

Blog reader of the month Robyn Butson…

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It’s blog ‘reader of the month’ time and for July I thank Robyn Butson an enthusiastic reader and fellow writer. Robyn is an inspiration to us all. She is writing a book on Crabbet horses in Australia and breeds Arabians … Read More

Focus on John Frederick Herring, Sr for Thursday art-day…

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Last week for art-day we looked at some of the history behind John Frederick Herring, Sr’s painting the ‘Pharaohs horses’. This week we focus on the man himself. The squires pets Herring ranks along with Sir Edwin Landseer as one … Read More


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There’s a TV movie titled ‘Mystery Woman’ about a woman who inherits a bookstore. She is an avid murder-mystery fan who uses her extensive knowledge of murder-mystery books to assist her in her amateur sleuthing. The reason I mention this … Read More

My brave little desert mare…

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I love to blog about Arabian horses, not only their beauty but their intelligence, and the way they relate to their owners. Lately I’ve been busy reading and noting details for book 3 of my ‘Daughters of the Wind’ series. … Read More

Faint Echos of responsibility for Art-Day

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Faint Echos of responsibility for Art-Day Arabian horses come into your life as an apparition of beauty, pleading for understanding, honesty and integrity. We all have a responsibility to lead them in a safe and true direction. The moment I … Read More

Pen and paper verses computer!

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Pen and paper verses computer! At a recent meeting of my writers@work group we briefly discussed where and with what medium we write. Most, wrote straight into their computer, while I explained I write virtually everything into spiral A4 notebooks. … Read More

For Thursday Art-day we explore the working horse and their human relationship…

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Today for Thursday Art-day we explore the working horse and their human relationship. The art featured showing several disciplines are by three very talented artists Willa Frayser from Virgina USA, Jill Vanstone from Queensland, Australia and Marian Duncan from New … Read More

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