FULL CIRCLE a short story…Part One

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by Carmel Rowley

Part One
Artwork ‘Beach Runner’ Willa Frayser


Cary attended a never ending number of therapists, for an explanation of what she secretly dubbed “the voice”. She told them when it spoke to her she was fascinated by it’s words of guidance. In times of misery “the voice” encouraged her to close her eyes and walk into a world of moonlight and crashing waves. Waiting for her in this moonlight world was a fairy-tale white horse, with a mane of spun silk, standing in the shallows, as the sea surged foaming around it’s hooves. The horse stared at her with beckoning eyes of love. The therapists came to the conclusion Cary’s problem was a vivid imagination. After all she was an actress.
Cary yearned for a life with horses. Every moment of her childhood was filled with horse books, horse movies, pictures and posters. To her parents dismay Cary and her friends rode their imaginary horses everywhere. They galloped through shopping centres, stamped and snorted their way around the school yard, performed at pretend horse shows and even set up jumps around the back garden.

Ironically it ended up being Cary’s love of horses that brought her to acting. Early one morning while exercising a pony for the local riding school she noticed a limousine drive past, then reverse and park opposite where she was riding. A smartly dressed man stepped from the shiny black car and watched the slender, pixy faced girl ride her pony. She rode like
a shadow, in complete harmony with her mount – a natural.

He acquired her parent’s phone number from the owner of the riding school and explained how a well known film studio was searching for a child actor. One who could ride with style and project a special type of beauty.

Cary proved ideal for the part, the camera loved her. While acting came easily, her real life became blurred as she slipped in and out of her characters. At first it was exciting to be famous but by the time she reached twenty-five she felt trapped. She was accused of being ungrateful. Her family, used to their wealthy lifestyle insisted what more did she need?
Without their support Cary became withdrawn. The only time she showed a glimmerof her personality was in her acting.


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