NaNoWriMo is over. How did you go?

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Here we are at the end of November, which means the finish of NaNoWriMo. I have no idea how other writers coped with the 50,000 word challenge, though from what I read the last collective word count of all Wrimo’s, everywhere, was 1,776,482,205 words. I guess if I didn’t quite make my quota the words won’t exactly be missed!

Ramses II Temple Abu Simbel

The idea of this challenge was to just write and keep writing not worrying about the rubbish, which will be discarded once you revise. But I’m not a ‘word chaser’ so instead I used the concept as motivation towards making some serious inroads towards finishing book 3 of my ‘Daughters of the Wind’ series. I’m pleased to say this is exactly what happened. Okay book 3 is not quite finished but it’s unfolding and everything appears to be slotting into it’s correct place.

Rather than going for a marathon of words, it was far more beneficial for me to write something to contribute to what I was already creating. To be honest I’m right into the exciting parts of the story… Those who know my characters will not be surprised to hear that Jessikah and the family are visiting Egypt. Guess what, she gets herself into more trouble! In fact she is entombed. Is she rescued? For now I’ll say nothing more! But I can say, what a pleasure it is to write about Arabian horses, legend, and history, in a setting like Egypt.
Images in ones minds eye fires the imagination so vividly you squint your eyes when you write about the sunrise, hear the scrunching of the sand under your feet, inhale the hot south wind and wake up to a hazy mist hovering over the Nile in the early morning.

Congratulations to all those writers out there who completed the NaNoWriMo challenge. Fingers crossed I can blog I have completed the manuscript in December…

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