Carmel Rowley Books at Equitana

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CARMEL ROWLEY BOOKS at EQUITANA Sydney (10th -13th November) Just a quick mention that all three of my books: ‘Tails Carried High” “Voices in the Wind” & “Danika and Yatimah from Egypt to the Outback” will be available at EQUITANA … Read More

How Colours Impact Feelings, and Behaviors

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I often reminded to by friends to remember to use colour therapy  in my day to day life. The idea is to remove the negatives of each colour then draw on the positives. For example, my list states the negatives of the colour RED are self-pity, impatience, … Read More

Writers gather at The Toowoomba Literary Society Inc.

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Writers gather at The Toowoomba Literary Society Inc. Just over a week ago several writers groups including The Clifton Writers, Writers @Work and the Quirky Quills were invited to the Toowoomba Literary Society Inc. to read and share their work … Read More

Lets start this week with another fantastic article…

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Let’s start this week with another fantastic article by a writer I admire enormously … World Peace, One Horse at a Time By The Alpha Mare on September 10, 2011 12:13 PM M.E.Altieri It’s the eve of 9/11/11, and, like … Read More

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